Is your Company actively and ethically engaging with consumers and healthcare professionals?

Market Access
Social media sites are becoming powerful tools for building relationships, marketing devices, and discussing important issues. The same has become true of drug and device manufacturers utilizing social media platforms to connect with consumers and healthcare professionals to educate them about products. As more drug and device manufactures utilizes social media over traditional marketing channels the FDA has increased their scrutiny over how information can be promoted to the public over social media.
RISQ Management will collaborate with you to review your social media and traditional marketing and advertising materials in order to identify potential troubles, We also will provide you with guidance on regulatory expectations, as well as industry standards, and can make recommendations for improvement.
Examples of Marketing Support:
Promotional Materials
Trade Show Ads and supporting materials
Journal Articles
Doctor and Patient Testimonials
Quick Reference Guides
Patient brochures/media
Press Releases
Performance Claims
Our goal at RISQ Management is to help you identify any marketing compliance risks that could lead to problems with your regulators, clients, and prospective clients. If your interested in a service you do not see please reach out to us regarding your inquiry!
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